Friday 4 May 2007

Virginia Tech Shooting

The tragedy on 16th April morning at Virginia Tech University in the United States has shocked the entire world. It was really shocking news to see young people who would have had bright days in their future were killed by the gun. What had made the gunman did such a senseless act?
The shooting rampage at the Virginia Tech university has left 33 people dead. There were two incidents two hours apart, at a student dorm where two were killed and at an engineering building where 30 died and the gunman pointed gun at himself. Eyewitnesses said some students jumped from classroom windows to escape the gunfire, which triggered panic on campus.
His diatribes may have come as a shock to many of his peers, who have described him as a quiet and unassuming loner - though many were aware of his violent side. Many people who know him could not believe that he did this,so what made such a ‘well-behaved’ young man did such a senseless act? It seems that he had been a loner since he moved to America at the age of 10, but why his family did not notice and do something about it. Moreover, he received discrimination in school from his schoolmates, which in my opinion, filled him with anger and spite.He has revealed himself as a deeply disturbed individual, obsessed with violence and harboring profound. And unexplained grievances, apparently against his fellow students.The schools should learn the lesson and make efforts to make mental health care readily available for everyone, not only in the United States. For every individual, we should care more about everyone who is around us.

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